Farmers’ Hub: Using Social Media to Connect


The more you respond and interact, the more people will use your page and recommend your products to others.


Farmers work independently, often without official coworkers, managers and employees. This can lead to social isolation, loneliness and even a lack of innovation. Social hubs just don’t exist in the same way they once did and most professional networking events are not tailored toward those working in agriculture. So what can a farm do to get that connection?

Use social media.

Most people believe that social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are only of use to look at cat pictures, get into arguments with total strangers and waste time. But despite some of the pitfalls of the World Wide Web, it can be a lifeline, a place of education, collaboration, innovation and shared ideas.

Social media allows farmers not only to connect with other like-minded people and ease that sense of isolation by creating online groups, but it can be used to connect with the community and reach out to potential buyers. Hashtags like #Farming365, #farming, #Farm, #Agro, #Farmlife, #Agriculture, and #Countrylife were specifically created for farmers.

And making social hubs online for your local community is as easy as clicking a few buttons on Facebook and inviting people to join.

Yet despite the benefits, farmers often don’t use them as voraciously as other segments of the population. Or if they do, they don’t use it in a way that can help with their agricultural business.


So how can you use social media to help your agribusiness?


It is simple. Create a page on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok or all of them. You do not have to appear on all social media platforms, and keep in mind that you have to tailor your posts to where you are posting them. You do not want to post a 50-minute documentary on the history of your farm over Tiktok, nor do you want to use paragraphs of text on Instagram. Adapt your posting style or stick to one or two platforms.

Once you’ve decided to use social media for work, use it regularly. This is key to keeping people involved. You want people to anticipate and look forward to your posts.

Don’t know what to post? Consider a few suggestions:

  • Post pictures of what’s going on at your farm.

  • Post videos of your farm’s operations.

  • Post written updates about your farm.

  • Create a virtual walk-through of your farm.

  • Share educational articles or agricultural messages.

  • Share farm facts.

  • Introduce people to you and your team/family.

  • Post educational or how-to videos about farming.

  • Advertise your events or events in your area.

You’ll have to make sure that the tone is always positive. Even when there is an unfortunate event or a setback, try to spin it so that it puts you and your farm in a good light.


Be consistent as it will keep people coming back to your page.


Be as authentic as possible. Nobody wants to read a 600-word essay on your aching back, but they also don’t want you to be a robot or spokesperson. So tell people the truth of your operation in your own voice.

And be as interactive as possible. Somebody leaves a nice comment? Respond to them. The more you respond and interact, the more people will use your page and recommend your products to others.
