Local Immigration Partnerships Team Up to Create an Immigrant Attraction and Retention Strategy for Eastern Ontario
The Strategy is about proactively planning for the future of the region
Strategy Purpose
Supporting a Strong, Healthy, Vibrant, and Diverse Future
Skilled and unskilled labour shortages remain a significant concern across Eastern Ontario. Recognizing the pivotal role of immigrant attraction and retention in addressing these shortages, our municipal leaders, economic development partners, and business owners have come together. The Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) – Lanark & Renfrew, in partnership with The Eastern Ontario Training Board (EOTB), Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP), Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO), and St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership – Leeds and Grenville, believe that a holistic regional immigration strategy is the key to success. “Although each partnering community is distinct, we share many similarities in our community characteristics. This initiative aims to acknowledge that by collaborating, we can leverage each community’s strengths and highlight collective opportunities for the mindful and conscientious growth of newcomer populations, ultimately strengthening our communities, shares Jodi Bucholtz, Manager, LIP-Lanark & Renfrew.
The Eastern Ontario Immigrant Attraction and Retention Strategy: Supporting a Strong, Healthy, Vibrant, and Diverse Future for The County of Renfrew, Lanark County, City of Ottawa, the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties, and the United Counties of Prescott and Russell aims to showcase promising practices currently implemented by Canadian municipalities in welcoming newcomers. “To ensure the region’s continued economic growth, securing a supply of talent to fuel local workforce needs will likely be the biggest challenge the six regions will face in the coming years. However, by collaborating and supporting one another, the six counties can implement a unified immigration strategy to achieve economic objectives,” shares Melissa Francis, Program Manager, St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership – Leeds and Grenville. It also provides municipal leaders and the Eastern Ontario community with a blueprint for attracting newcomers and strengthening their integration in regional communities over the next three to five years. “This collaboration will bridge gaps for our ever-growing community; It will help with filling existing vacancies – addressing labour force shortages while encouraging newcomers to establish themselves in our area,” says Martha Woods, Executive Director of Eastern Ontario Training Board and Local Immigration Partnership for Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott, Russell.
To enhance immigrant integration, municipalities can focus on three key objectives: establishing a shared vision and priorities, leveraging LIPs and RIF for bottom-up insights, and building relationships with higher levels of government. “It is essential to strengthen the vitality and demographic weight of Francophone minority communities through the successful attraction, retention and integration of immigrants while promoting linguistic duality, diversity and the Canadian social heritage,” shares Catherine St-Hilaire, Gestionnaire adjointe – RSIFEO. The Strategy includes 16 priority actions to guide the attraction of new immigrants and ensure proper coordination and alignment of immigrant settlement and retention services. By doing so, they can create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for newcomers. “The Strategy is about proactively planning for the future of the region. It is about collaborative leadership between regional municipalities and working together in partnership with civil society, educational institutes, and businesses to attract newcomers to the region and to prepare the infrastructure needed for their integration,” shares Hindia Mohamoud, Director of the OLIP.
To access the Eastern Ontario Immigrant Attraction and Retention Strategy, please visit the following links:
On October 4 and 5, 2023, we hosted the Eastern Ontario Immigrant Attraction and Retention Strategy Virtual Summit. The Summit served as a launching pad to implement some of the 16 Priority Actions outlined in the Strategy while also uniting leaders, policymakers, community organizations, and stakeholders to explore innovative approaches and best practices in attracting and retaining immigrants in our region.
Over 30 subject matter experts graciously shared their insight and knowledge, helping bring the Strategy to life. Take this opportunity to explore the 12 sessions recorded during the Summit.
Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) and Réseau en immigration francophone (RIFs) are collaborative initiatives between local governments, settlement agencies, community groups, and other stakeholders to enhance the successful integration of immigrants and refugees into their communities. These partnerships are critical in identifying local needs and developing strategies to support newcomers accessing services and opportunities, improving language skills, and building social connections. We acknowledge the financial support of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
About Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) – Lanark & Renfrew
A key principle of LIP-Lanark & Renfrew’s work is developing relationships and linkages between like-minded organizations to encourage collaboration that builds on the strengths of multiple partners. LIP-Lanark & Renfrew works with partners across the 28 municipalities and cities in Lanark and Renfrew Counties. The work of LIP-Lanark & Renfrew is administered by Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus.
About The Eastern Ontario Training Board(EOTB)
EOTB is a non-profit organization focusing on workforce development and training initiatives in eastern Ontario. Through partnerships with employers, community groups, and other stakeholders, the board works towards improving access to employment opportunities, enhancing the skills and competencies of the local workforce, and addressing the needs of newcomers to the community. Learn more about EOTB at eotb-cfeo.on.ca
About Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP)
OLIP is a collaborative initiative to facilitate the successful integration of immigrants and newcomers into Ottawa. The partnership works towards identifying local needs and developing strategies to support newcomers accessing services, building social connections, and improving language skills by collaborating with local organizations and community stakeholders. Learn more about OLIP at olip-plio.ca
About Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone de l’est de l’Ontario (RSIFEO)
RSIFEO is a network of francophone organizations and stakeholders that aims to enhance the successful integration of francophone immigrants and newcomers into eastern Ontario. The network collaborates and partners with various organizations to improve access to services, promote intercultural understanding, and enhance economic opportunities for francophone newcomers. Learn more about RSIFEO at rsifeo.org
About St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership (SLRIP)
SLRIP is a collaborative initiative between local governments, community groups, and other stakeholders to enhance the successful integration of immigrants and newcomers into Leeds and Grenville. The partnership works towards identifying local needs and developing strategies to support newcomers in accessing services, building social connections, and enhancing economic opportunities through collaboration and partnership. Learn more about SLRIP at leedsgrenvilleimmigration.ca