Introduction to Intercultural Competency is a free introductory workshop featuring topics like Identity and Culture, Value-based Behaviours, Assigning Meaning and Unconscious Bias. A ‘come-as-you-are’ opportunity to learn more about yourself and the people in your life. This online session via Zoom is designed to be interactive and to encourage a desire for continuous learning!
- Wednesday, October 5
- 1 – 3 p.m.
- Via Zoom
Attendees who fully participate in this professional development opportunity will receive a digital certification of completion from Local Immigration Partnership – Lanark & Renfrew.
Facilitator Bio: Laura Julien has a background in corporate training and was an employment consultant with Employment Ontario before joining the College in 2019 as a Settlement Coach with the Community Settlement Initiative, an Immigration, Refugees, and Canadian Citizenship funded project supported by the Local Immigration Partnership in an effort to build capacity in local communities to better serve newcomers to Canada. Laura was certified as an Intercultural Competency Trainer in 2019 with the London Cross Cultural Learner Centre and she provided coaching and training to local employers, service providers, community groups and individuals on Intercultural Competency. Laura resides in Eganville with her family and is an engaged and active community member. Laura is passionate about inclusion and believes strongly understanding oneself is the first step on any journey of inclusion