Helping Someone Soothe Homesickness


Coping with homesickness abroad is very personal and not all techniques will work for everyone.


Homesickness is commonly experienced by people who have moved to a new country. Immigrants, newcomers, and refugees who come to Canada often suffer from mental health issues due to longing to be with their loved ones. This feeling can be exacerbated in smaller towns with fewer public events to keep one buys. There are a few things you can do to help. 


Being a neighbor or colleague, you can suggest some tips to the newcomer to soothe their homesickness. They can make new friends and connecting with others can help alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness. Devoting time to self-care will help you keep an eye on your mental health. Immersing yourself in your new country and its culture is a good way to feel more at home and appreciate the exciting journey in a new country. 

Talking to someone who listens well is healing on its own. Sometimes, being there for someone to hear their thoughts can be therapeutical for them. Also, things that are said aloud weigh less on the mind and are easier to get over.  


You can suggest to set aside time to talk to or video call their loved ones back home. It can help ease their initial anxieties about being in a new environment. This will make them feel more safe and secure after talking to those most familiar to them. However, it is also important to balance the amount of time and effort spent in making friends in the new country.  


Coping with homesickness is very personal and not all techniques will work for everyone. For some, beating feelings of homesickness can be as simple as making a few new friends, while others may need a more intensive approach. The best way to combat homesickness and loneliness is to make new friends. Inviting for a relaxing dinner out with friends is a great way to lift spirits while getting a better feel of new surroundings at the same time.  

They can invite their coworkers or classmates out for a meal or a drink, or invite them over for a home-cooked meal. There are many newcomers who might be going through this without knowing about others, and will almost always be grateful for some new friends and companionship. Connecting them with each other will help all of them. Locals will usually be excited to show their hometown and can be enlisted as volunteers for this purpose. Sometimes, new friendships develop through these events.   


Being lonely is a huge part of homesickness. Newcomers are far from their family, friends, and usual support network. You can go for a walk with a newcomer to enjoy beautiful nature to soothe their homesickness. A biking or hiking could also be a great option. Make a bucket list with them to for exploring new places. For example, best coffee shops in the city, the favorite locations for local street artists or all the different places you can go kayaking.   


Spend a little time with the them making their home a place they get excited to come back to every day, connect them with your other friends and neighbours, and do everything you can to make this new place feel like their home. Little actions can go a long way toward creating a more comfortable space. If you’re not the home improvement type, you can always seek out a nearby space that provides that sense of comfort and familiarity – a library, café, music venue, park, or anywhere else that makes them feel more at home.  


Participating in a favorite sport or activity helps bring balance and routine back to their daily life and can make new spaces feel a little more familiar and welcoming. Suggest a book club, going rock climbing, attending yoga classes, or practicing with a band. You can incorporate something fun or interactive for the newcomer like going to a nearby market for groceries, or meeting your friends for a sports game. You can try to come up with a plan that allows you and your newcomer friend to get some exercise and fresh air every day. Go for daily runs, commute to class by bike or just try to walk as much as possible. This will help them create healthy habits too. Happier bodies with endorphins are biologically programmed to make you feel better.  


You can also offer them to investigate all the tasty new food, and you should absolutely take advantage of opportunities to try new dishes and flavors together. You can also suggest to connect them to volunteering  which will help putting their skills to use doing something they love and look forward to every week. Whether it’s getting involved with women’s rights or conservation, it could be purposeful and enjoyable.  

