Create an email sign-up sheet or perhaps a Facebook group to help you identify newcomers that are settling in the area. If you obtain some sort of contact information, you can inform them when your meet n greet will occur.
The event can be open to the public and newcomer population. Research has shown that newcomer integration and retention is much more successful when it is a true community-led goal.
Decide on a venue. Libraries are a great space to hold events like they have been proven time and time again to be wonderful cultural hubs, and often a first resource point for newcomers. You could also consider a local coffee shop and provide one free coffee and snack to participants.
Newcomers may be intimidated due to language barriers. It would be a great idea to specifically invite community members who speak different languages to put them at ease.
Having some ice-breakers ready to go is a good way to make everyone comfortable and create introductions.
A meet n’ greet can have themes. Pot lucks, language exchanges, board/card game nights, sports events, and outdoor outings are all possible ideas.
It can sometimes be useful to send out a survey after events to improve and get inspiration for future events.
Remember that some newcomers may have arrived under difficult circumstances, and they may need time to heal and feel ready to meet with the community.
Having mental health resources available to share is always an asset.