Summarized Demographic Data for Newcomers


When figuring out if you want to move to the area, you may want a quick snapshot of on your neighbours.


Each town or township within the Lanark and Renfrew County area is unique and has its own quirks and attractions. So, when figuring out if you want to move to the area, you may want a quick snapshot of who your neighbours will be. 


According to the 2016 census, there are 102,394 people in Renfrew County, and in Lanark County, the population hovers around 68,698. This is compared to the 13,448,494 people in Ontario.  


Renfrew County is 7,448.57 kms large, while Lanark County has a land area of 3,035.64 kms. In both cases, most of the land is classified as rural, meaning most properties are either farmland or forestland.  


So, it isn’t much of a surprise to read that there are only 13.7 people per km in Renfrew County and 22.6 people per km in Lanark county.  


The average age in Renfrew County is 43.2, which is higher than the Ontario average of 41 years old. In Lanark County, the average age is 44.7. However, some towns have much lower averages. For example, Petawawa’s average age is 30.9, and it is home to many young families. 


However, towns with an older population, such as Perth, whose average age is 50.6, can still be home to wonderful opportunities for newcomers.  


But what about language? Though the grand majority of people in both counties speak English exclusively, French still has a very powerful presence. The French Catholic and secular school boards have elementary and high schools peppered throughout the area. 


And a large number of people have a mother tongue other than French or English. In Lanark County, 1,990 people identify another language as their main one, while there are 4,325 in Renfrew County. And even more people speak a non-official language as a second or third language.  


But is it financially sound to move to either counties? 


The median income of households is $67,683 in Renfrew County, and $71,660 in Lanark County. 


And while the grand majority of people are Canadian-born, a growing number of newcomers call Renfrew and Lanark County their home. There is a population of about 5,460 immigrants in the former, while there are 4,155 immigrants in the latter.  
