Our Events

How to Engage Meaningfully in Allyship and Anti-Bias Practices

Most of us are learning about allyship and bias for the first time. In this learning path, you’ll explore the foundational skills—mindset, communication, and advocacy—you need to be an effective ally and champion for anti-bias practices in your organization and community


Introduction to Intercultural Competency

A ‘come-as-you-are’ opportunity to learn more about yourself and the people in your life. This session is designed to be interactive and to encourage a desire for continuous learning!


Cultural Orientations

Building on what we learned together in the Introduction to Intercultural Competency workshop, come prepared to evaluate where you fall on the spectrum of orientations based on your own experiences and cultural influences.


How to Engage Meaningfully in Allyship and Anti-Bias Practices

Most of us are learning about allyship and bias for the first time. In this learning path, you’ll explore the foundational skills—mindset, communication, and advocacy—you need to be an effective ally and champion for anti-bias practices in your organization and community.


Cooking Class with Nala’s Kitchen

myFm Centre 1 Ma Te Way Park Dr., Renfrew, ON, Canada

A unique opportunity to enhance your culinary skills, learn about authentic Indian cooking and indulge in mouthwatering flavors!


Culture Connect African Dance Class

myFm Centre 1 Ma Te Way Park Dr., Renfrew, ON, Canada

Join in, have fun and learn something new about African culture through dance
