Foreign Language Instruction for Children


It is very important to speak English or French to be successful in Canada, but your home language and culture are also important.


It is very important to speak English or French to be successful in Canada, but your home language and culture are also important.

You should feel comfortable speaking your home language and teach it to your children. This can help you and your children feel confident in your identity and appreciate different languages and cultures.

It can be difficult for children to learn and speak their home language if it is not English or French. So, you may wish to find lessons in your home language for your children.

Unfortunately, there are limited foreign language training options in the Ottawa Valley but there are many in the Ottawa area. Find a Foreign Language Instruction Facility for Children near you.

For More Information

International Children’s Digital Library: This website has a collection of children’s books that you can read online. You can find books in many languages and can search for books by type, topic, length of the book, and age of the reader.

Mama Lisa’s World: A website with children’s songs, rhymes and poetry in many different languages. Some of the songs include audio.

Tags: foreign language, home language, culture, children, instruction, tutoring
